Comprehensive Financial Plan for a Flat Fee

Your comprehensive financial plan includes investment advice, cash flow management, risk management, tax planning, education planning, retirement planning, and estate planning. I also offer project-based financial planning to meet you where you are.

Comprehensive Planning 

We will work together over a three-month period to address all aspects of your financial plan. We will talk about your core values, define your short-term and long-term goals, and delve into your financial numbers. You will get to know your finances at a deeper level. Your financial plan will be an anchor for both you and your family. From there, we will meet once or twice a year to update, implement, and review your path to financial success.

Who would benefit from this plan? Singles or married couples who are in their 40s to 50s, people who are close to retirement age, who want to retire early or already retired.

Fee - One-time comprehensive planning fee is starting from $1,500. Ongoing financial planning fees range from $250 to $750 per quarter, depending on your financial circumstance and your needs.

Project-based Planning

This service is customized to your specific needs. We will define the scope of the project and build strategies to achieve a specific financial goal. You will be provided with recommendations to implement. Ongoing meetings may or may not be needed. We have full autonomy to decide on our engagement from there.

Who would benefit from this plan? Individuals in their late 20s to early 30s, newly married couples. Maybe you are about to have your first child, buy your first house, are thinking about a career change, or maybe you just want a confirmation that you are making the sound financial decisions.

Fee - Project-based fees depend on the hours required to work on a project and are calculated based on an hourly rate of $150.

Investment Management 

Following the delivery of investment strategies, you have the option to either independently manage your accounts or engage my services for professional management. Continued services encompass but are not limited to trading, reallocation, loss harvesting, analysis and implementation of Roth conversions, review, and establishment of bond ladders, as well as monitoring and execution of Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) and Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD).

My investment advice is based on your goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon. I focus on long-term investing and utilize low-cost ETFs and Mutual Funds. You will receive portfolio reviews and investment advice that serve your financial goals. As your goal changes, your investments may also change. We will meet once to twice a year to review and update.

Who would benefit from this service? Everyone!

Fee (annually):

  • Asset under $1 million: 0.65%

  • From $1 million to $3 million: 0.45%

  • Above $3 million: 0.35%.

* Your investment management fee is independent of your financial planning fee.